Tuesday, May 1, 2012




^ some fail Japanese here :( I have a lot of trouble making sentences... eheheh.

I just wanted to say that I added myself to the "Yaplog" blogosphere, a Japanese blogging site with the cutest themes I have ever seen, if I may say so. There is no content there that I haven't already uploaded here, but I try to write the entries in Japanese, even if that means simplifying them a lot!

I would really appreciate it if Japanese readers saw it! I am doing it as a mean to keep myself in touch with the language and try to challenge myself to form sentences.

My grammar is not very good, so I would also love it if you corrected me as much as you'd like! After all, that's how you learn, right?

I have to admit I am a little embarrassed by the grammatical atrocities I may commit in that blog, hehe.


かわいい絵文字をどうぞ! よかったらつかってね (^^)

Please be kind to me! And also, here, have a cute emoji:

Disclaimer: A Japanese friend has helped me with some phrases in both my blogs! So if you suddenly see expert Japanese, it means I received some help with that!

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