Monday, October 22, 2012

The Liebster Award

I've been tagged in The Liebster Award by the adorable OnigiriGyaru!! I was very surprised and happy. This is my first time receiving something like this. I had no idea it existed, but according to Onigiri, this is an award for upcoming bloggers. I can't believe I would ever be considered for something like this!! Thank you!!

I'm going to be shamelessly stealing what Onigiri's blog explains about this award:


1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer.
3. Choose eleven people and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them.
5. Remember no tag backs!

My 11 Questions

1. Who is your No.1 favorite blogger?
Uhmm, I guess that has to be Cheesie from Cheeserland. I just love the way she writes, her incredible intelligence and amazing fashion.

2. A world without chocolate or a world without ice cream?
I guess without ice-cream. I'm sorry ice-cream hahahaha but I need brownies in my life.

3. What is your dream vacation?
Spring in Japan!! Seeing the sakura blossoms :D

4. What anime/manga character do you feel related to the most?
I'm not sure, I can't think of any right now. I think maybe Jeanne from Shaman King? Always loved her. But not sure how much we have in common hahaha.

5. Do you have a certain 'quote' you use often? If so, what?
"Bizarre", in Spanish, according to my classmates.

6. Who is your No. 1 idol/(style)icon?
Mizukitty! And the Popteen gals in general.

7. What is your skin care routine?
Eeekk I don't really have any. My skin works best on its own hahaha.

8. Is there a sport you ever want to try? If so, why?
Fencing. It looks so fancy.

9. What is the cutest thing ever?

10. Your favorite make-up brand?
REVLON or Canmake :)

11. Your favorite non-ebay webshop?
I don't buy anything overseas because it's super expensive for Argentinians, heheh.

Bloggers I Tag!
1. Saya 2.Satsuki 3.Chelsea 4.Chisa 5.Adri 6.Rea 7.Snowangel 8.Ebichu 9.Pri 10.June 11.Pearl

Your 11 Questions
1. We all have a favorite color, but... what's your favorite color to *wear*?
2. Sanrio or San-X?
3. If you could wear one brand for the rest of your life, which brand would that be?
4. What's your natural hair color?
5. What expensive, fancy meal would you have if you had the money?
6. Look at your shoes. What color of shoes do you own the most?
7. What's your favorite movie genre?
8. Christmas or Halloween?
9. Gangnam Style: Yay or nay?
10. Leopard or zebra print?
11. Do you decorate your electronics? (phone, MP3 player, laptop, etc)

I'll be tagging all ASAP! :3 Have fun!!

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